How a Fractional CFO can Benefit your Growing Business

CFO watering money tree on orange and blue background

Is your business ready to start planning? Is it time to invest in another store, a new bricks and mortar location or an online storefront? Are you considering new product lines or expanding to a new market? Do you need to raise capital to invest in new equipment? Are you outgrowing your technology stack and need to implement new software? Or are you planning for your retirement and wondering what does that means for you and your business?

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5 Signs it’s Time to Hire a Bookkeeper for your Small Business

Bookkeeper reviewing files on laptop on blue and orange background

As a business owner, it can be an overwhelming task to deal with all the daily bookkeeping while trying to focus on the strategic plans of your business. When you first started your business, it seemed reasonable that you could stay on track with the bookkeeping but now as your business has grown, it is probably taking way more time and effort than you thought. At this stage you might be asking yourself if you should bring on some help.

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